为搞好教学工作,培养合格体育师资,这里仅就教学实践中的体会谈一点粗浅的看法。一、身教与言教教师是通过自己的言、行去教育学生,而我们培养的学生,又将是教育工作者,因此,教书育人就显得越发重要了。言、行要统一,而身教胜于言教则尤为重要,它对教育对象起着潜移默化的作用。因此,在教学中,教师应当做学生的表率。我们的做法是: (一)认真、细致地做好课前准备。其中包括提前到教学场地亲自布置器械;搞好教学环境;了解学生身体状况。
To do a good job in teaching, training of qualified PE teachers, here only to understand the teaching practice a little superficial view. First, teaching and preaching Teachers through their own words and deeds to educate students, and we train students, they will be educators, therefore, teaching and educating people become more and more important. Words and deeds should be unified. However, it is especially important that teaching and learning is better than teaching and teaching. It plays a subtle role in educating people. Therefore, in teaching, teachers should be the example of students. Our approach is: (a) careful and meticulous preparation for the lesson. These include arranging equipment in advance to teaching sites; improving the teaching environment; and understanding the physical condition of students.