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在经济规模增长和经济实力增强的同时,中国开始寻求在国际金融体系中更大的话语权。本文利用国际管理发展学院(IMD)公布的1997年至2010年国际竞争力数据,对全球主要经济体十余年来金融体系国际竞争力的动态变化,特别是2008年金融危机带来的竞争力衰退展开分析。研究表明,中国金融体系国际竞争力处于全球中等水平,在2006~2007年达到最好状态,随后受金融危机影响出现衰退,但情况好于发达国家,近10余年来金融体系硬实力较软实力有更大的提升。中国金融体系未来发展仍需在竞争软实力上着力,以金融创新推动竞争力提升 As the economy grows and its economy grows, China begins to seek greater voice in the international financial system. Based on the international competitiveness data from 1997 to 2010 published by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), this paper analyzes the dynamic changes in the international competitiveness of the financial systems of the world’s major economies over the past decade, especially the competitiveness brought by the financial crisis in 2008 Recession analysis. The study shows that the international competitiveness of China’s financial system is at a moderate level in the world, reaching the best condition from 2006 to 2007, followed by the recession under the influence of the financial crisis, but the situation is better than that of developed countries. In the past 10 years, the financial system’s hard power has been softer There is a greater improvement. The future development of China’s financial system still needs to focus on its competitive soft power and enhance its competitiveness through financial innovation
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