A Preliminary Study on a Seismotectonic Model for the Active Faults in the Xining Urban Area

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lcg_tml
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On the basis of the Xining active urban fault survey,we studied the relationship between the active urban fault and fold deformation.The result of this research shows that the Huangshuihe fault and the NW-striking fault on the northern bank of the Huangshuihe River are tensional faults on top of an anticline,the Nanchuanhe fault is a transverse tear fault resulting from differential folding on two sides of the fault,the east bank of the Beichuanhe River fault is a compressional fault developed on the core or climb of a syncline.By balance profile analysis of fold deformation and inversion of gravity anomaly data,we obtained the depth of the detachment plane and established the seismotectonic model of the Xining urban area.Based on the seismotectonic model,we analyzed the earthquake potential of the active urban fault. On the basis of the Xining active urban fault survey, we studied the relationship between the active urban fault and fold deformation. The result of this research that that the Huangshuihe fault and the NW-striking fault on the northern bank of the Huangshuihe River are tensional faults on top of an anticline, the Nanchuanhe fault is a differential tear fault resulting from differential folding on two sides of the fault, the east bank of the Beichuanhe River fault is a compressional fault developed on the core or climb of a syncline. profile analysis of fold deformation and inversion of gravity anomaly data, we obtained the depth of the detachment plane and established the seismotectonic model of the Xining urban area. Based on the seismotectonic model, we analyzed the earthquake potential of the active urban fault.
A 这键步如飞,身轻如燕的功夫绝非一朝一夕能练就的.B 是班长,又是大哥,战土们心时有话都愿意对他说.C 问到裤子上的洞是什么时候破的,朱向东一脸茫然.D“吹就吹!这只能说明
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