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膀胱镜检查损伤尿道者常有发生,但膀胱镜穿破膀胱或直肠者少见。我院遇见2例,报告如下。 [例1] 男,65岁。因排尿困难2年,于1978年11月24日入院。患者自1976年起,常感排尿困难,夜尿次数增多,诊断为前列腺增生并膀胱结石收住院。11月25日膀胱镜检查:膀胱镜插入至膜部尿道时多次受阻,换第三人将膀胱镜插入后,抽出镜芯有鲜血滴出,镜下视野一片红色,被迫终止检查。检查后排尿更加困难,每次只有几滴鲜血,疼痛剧烈,伴面色苍白,出冷汗,下腹膨隆,行导尿及耻骨上膀胱穿刺引流失败。次日在硬膜外麻醉下行膀胱探查术:见膀胱极度扩张,呈紫蓝色,切开膀胱取出凝血块约700 ml,并取出花生米大结石1枚,在膀胱三角区与前列腺增生唇状突起之间有一小指头大裂口,并不断渗血(图1),用右手食指从裂口处进入将前列腺剜出,然后取2-0肠线将膀胱颈部 Cystoscopy damage urethra often occur, but the cystoscope to wear the bladder or rectum are rare. 2 cases met in our hospital, the report is as follows. [Example 1] Male, 65 years old. Due to dysuria for 2 years, on November 24, 1978 admission. Patients since 1976, often feeling dysuria, increased frequency of nocturia, diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia and bladder stones admitted to hospital. November 25 cystoscopy: Cystoscopy inserted into the urethra membrane repeatedly blocked, for a third person to insert the cystoscopy, the core out of the blood dripping, microscopic field of vision was a red, was forced to terminate the examination. Urine examination more difficult, each time only a few drops of blood, severe pain, accompanied by pale, cold sweat, abdominal bulging, catheterization and suprapubic bladder puncture failure. The next day in the epidural anesthesia under bladder exploration: See the extreme expansion of the bladder, was purple-blue, remove the bladder remove the clot of about 700 ml, and remove the peanut large stone 1, in the bladder trigone and hyperplasia of the lip hyperplasia Protrusion between a little finger big gap, and continuous bleeding (Figure 1), with his right index finger from the rip into the prostate will be out, and then take the 2-0 catgut bladder neck
通过对丽塔的小说《密林》(1973)和李奇同性恋连续体分析,探索两者之间的关系,从而揭示女同性恋发展的过程。 Through the analysis of Rita’s novel Jungle (1973) and Li
人道海水深,不抵相思半,  海水尚有涯,相思渺无畔。  携琴上高楼,楼虚月华满,  弹着相思曲,弦肠一时断。  ——李冶《相思怨》    读《相思怨》,总似在唱一首无比缠绵的曲子,素衣垂袖,遍倚阑干,一声“噫呀”之间的叹息,更是凝滞了百般愁怨。倾心意、诉衷肠的诗,这首算是最低调的奢华。无半分绚丽,却将人心拿捏在分寸之间,恰到好处。  称呼李冶,世人大多用“风流”二字。据说她在五六岁时曾口占一首咏蔷
自由必须是有限制的,没有规则,沙滩足球玩得再好,成不了世界杯;没有规则,后院篮球玩得再好,成不了美国篮球联赛。没有规则,容貌再美丽,动物快感再兴奋,成不了真正的幸福 Fre
附睾疾病以炎症为多,肿瘤少见,我们收治两例附睾腺瘤样瘤报告如下。例1 李某某,男性,30岁,农民,住院号2185。患者一年前偶而发现阴囊内有1包块,每遇劳累后感到下坠,隐隐疼痛