徐德琼 据史料记述,徐德琼(1822-1873年),名瑞环,号荣村,广东香山人。上海开埠后第一批来沪闯荡的商人。1851年,他以自己经营的中国特产“荣记湖丝”参加在伦敦举行的第一届世博会,引起轰动,一举摘得维多利亚女王颁发的金、银奖牌各一枚。1884年出版的《北岭徐氏宗谱》(现藏上海图书馆)记载了这段史实,而1852年伦敦皇家协会出版的《英国伦敦第一届
Xu Deqiong According to historical records, Xu Deqiong (1822 - 1873), name Ruihuan, No. Rongcun, Guangdong Xiangshan. After the opening of Shanghai, the first batch of businesspeople in Shanghai. In 1851, he participated in the first World Expo held in London with his own Chinese specialty “Wing Kee Lake,” which caused a sensation and won one gold medal and one silver medal from Queen Victoria. The 1884 “North Ridge Xu’s genealogy” (now hidden in Shanghai Library) records this historical facts, and in 1852 the Royal Association of London published "the first London