将模糊数学方法引入到涡喷发动机滑油故障诊断中 ,提出了由历史数据及专家优序数综合确定模糊隶属度的方法 ,建立了模糊诊断模型 ,解决了针对一种或数种故障征兆 ,如何准确 ,快速地找到引起故障的真正原因 ,从而为飞机的故障诊断维修工作提供了一种科学、可行的新方法 .
The fuzzy mathematics method is introduced into the fault diagnosis of turbojet engine lubricating oil. The method of determining the fuzzy membership degree by historical data and expert ordinal number is proposed, and the fuzzy diagnosis model is established to solve the problem that one or several fault symptoms Accurately and quickly find the real cause of the failure, thus providing a scientific and feasible new method for the aircraft fault diagnosis and repair work.