中国书法是我国一门独特的艺术.它的艺术魅力是通过富有强弹性的毛笔,体现出汉字的造型特征.陶瓷艺人把书法运用到陶瓷装饰上,经过千百年的艺术耕耘,形成了别具一格的陶瓷书法艺术美,从而给人们以审美享受. (一) 在历史发展的过程中,陶瓷书法有纵横两条脉络:一是从记事到装饰,二是从刻划到书写.两者都是人们从实用的需要发展到满足审美的需要.在汉字起源阶段,我们祖
Chinese calligraphy is a unique art of our country.Its artistic charm is through the rich and flexible brush, reflecting the modeling features of Chinese characters.Ceramic artists apply calligraphy to ceramic decoration, after thousands of years of artistic hardship, formed a unique style (1) In the course of historical development, ceramic calligraphy has two vertical and horizontal lines: one is from notes to decoration, and the other is from characterization to writing. Both are People from the practical needs of the development to meet the needs of the aesthetic in the initial stage of Chinese characters, our ancestors