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  Amsterdam, Netherlands
  Beautiful canals probably aren’t the first thing you associate with[同……联系在一起] Amsterdam, but they should be—Amsterdam actually has more canals than Venice. The first canals were built in the Middle Ages, as a source of transportation[运输] and defense[防卫]. Radiating[呈辐射状发出] out from the city center, Amsterdam has four main canals. Today, you can see Amsterdam’s classic gabled[有山墙的] architecture[建筑] along any of the canals. In 2009, UNESCO named Amsterdam’s central canal ring a World Heritage[遗产] site.
  Bruges, Belgium
  Just a short train ride away from Brussels lies Bruges, an old canal town in Belgium’s Flemish region注1. Settled in the 13th century as a stop in the areas’s textile[纺织品] trade, Bruges appears like something out of a fairy-tale: small, cobblestone[鹅卵石] streets, beautiful bridges and gabled houses. With such a small-town feel, it might be hard to imagine that Bruges had a population of 200,000 in the 1500s—double that of London at the time. Bruges’ canals, fed by the North Sea, host a festival every four years, which includes performances by musicians and actors and lights that shine throughout the canals.
  注1:弗拉芒大区是比利时弗兰德地区目前存在的行政区划名称,也是今日比利时王国下属三个大区之一。它位于比利时北部,面积13522 km2(占比利时陆地面积的44.29%)。如今它是欧洲人口密度最大的地区之一,每平方公里约有470位居民。
  Stockholm, Sweden
  Water makes up nearly one-third of Sweden’s capital city—built across 14 islands, Stockholm, sometimes called the “Beauty on Water,” is connected by a vast[巨大的] canal network and 57 bridges. In the winter, when the canals freeze over, locals and tourists alike take to the frozen waterways for ice skate sailing—like windsurfing[帆板运动], but with ice skates.   瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩建于14个岛上,由庞大的运河网络及57座桥相互连接。这座城市大约三分之一的面积都是水,因此有时也被称为“水上美人”。冬天,运河结冰后,当地人和游客都喜欢到冰冻的河面上玩风帆滑冰——这种运动与风帆冲浪类似,只不过脚下踩的是溜冰鞋。
  Tigre, Argentina
  Twenty miles from Buenos Aires sits Tigre, a town built on hundreds of tiny islands in the Paraná Delta[三角洲]. Boats run throughout the area, offering visitors a chance to see a landscape that the New York Times describes as “what Venice might have looked like before development.”Tigre’s remote[偏远的] location inspires a blend[混合] of adventure and relaxation[消遣] among locals and visitors alike: consider a visit to one of the area’s “countries” (named after American country clubs), private spas that also offer kayaking[皮艇], horseback riding and bird watching.
  Bangkok, Thailand
  Canals aren’t just for little, old European towns—modern Asian cities also included canals in their city planning. Before being drained[排水] in the 19th and throughout the 20th century to make way for paved[铺路面] roads, Bangkok had a series of[一连串的] criss-crossing[交叉的] canals. Today, a few original[最初的] canals still exist. The canals are also home to Bangkok’s floating markets, which attract large crowds of tourists and locals alike.
  St. Petersburg, Russia
  St. Petersburg, Russia’s second largest city, stands at the meeting point of two bodies of water: the Neva River and the Baltic Sea. To help drain the swampy[沼泽的] land around St. Petersburg, the city dug a number of canals, which Peter the Great modeled after Amsterdam. Float down the Moyka canal to see the impressive Neo-Classical注2 mansions[大房子] built for the 19th-century aristocracy[贵族], or follow the Winter Canal for sights of the Winter Palace.
  Alappuzha, Kerala, India
  Alappuzha is a city in India’s southern district of Kerala, and it’s also an important gateway to the Kerala backwaters[回水区], a series of lakes and lagoons[泻湖] parallel[平行的] to the Arabian Sea. For centuries, the residents[居民] of Alappuzha and the surrounding towns would transport rice and other goods via[经由] the waterways on houseboats—today, tour operators[旅行社] let visitors experience the houseboats, some of which have been turned into luxury[奢侈] houseboats with numerous floors, balconies[阳台] and huge rooms.   阿拉普扎是印度南部喀拉拉邦地区的一个城市,也是进入喀拉拉邦回水区(拥有与阿拉伯海平行的众多湖泊与泻湖)的交通要道。长期以来,阿拉普扎和周边城镇的居民都用兼作住屋的船只经由水路运输大米和其他商品。如今,旅行社可让游客体验船屋生活,其中有些船只已被改造成有多个楼层、阳台和大房间的豪华船屋。
  Copenhagen, Denmark
  Like St. Petersburg, Copenhagen sits on the edge of the Baltic Sea, and like St. Petersburg, Copenhagen is dotted by beautiful canals. Copenhagen’s most famous canal district, perhaps, is the Nyhavn, the area of town that connects Copenhagen’s old city center with the sea. Dug in the 1670s, the Nyhavn was once Copenhagen’s version of a red-light district. The famous Danish author Hans Christian Andersen also lived in the Nyhavn for almost two decades—he wrote his famous story The Princess and the Pea in his apartment at No. 20 Nyhavn. Today, the area is known for its beautiful, colored row houses and historic wooden ships.
  Tai’erzhuang, Shandong Province, China
  Tai’erzhuang is an ancient Chinese city that was first settled during the Han dynasty, between 206 and 220 AD, and thrived[兴旺,繁荣] as a trading hub[中心] during the Ming and Qing dynasties. In 2009, the local government invested[投资] almost $750 million to restore the area, making it a perfect destination[目的地] for tourists looking to explore one of China’s water towns—its close distance to Beijing makes it an easy day trip. The ancient town is small, but offers visitors lovely canals, as well as traditional temples and modern museums.
咱们面对现实吧:这世上有一种生物叫学霸;这世上还有一种生物,名为“明星学霸”!  我们调查了一些明星的背景,发现很多明星的大学专业和表演风马牛不相及。看来这些明星不仅颜美演技好,而且学习也好,叫我们这些啥都没有的凡夫俗子情何以堪?好吧,咱们就来看看哪些明星的专业最让人意外。  Emma Watson: English Literature[文学]艾玛·沃特森:英国文学  This Harry Po
The1)Jeweler's Touch  By Bettie B. Youngs     Oh, Mom, it’s even my2)birthstone! Isn’t it just beautiful? ” My daughter had3)swooned when she4)spotted the ring in the jeweler’s window. Her blue-green
《安德的游戏》(Ender’s Game)改编自美国科幻巨擘奥森·斯科特·卡德(Orson Scott Card)的同名长篇小说,由《金刚狼》导演加文·胡德执导,《雨果》童星阿沙·巴特菲尔德挑起大梁饰演战争神童“安德”,《大地惊雷》童星海莉·斯坦菲尔德以及两位老戏骨哈里森·福特与本·金斯利爵士均在片中担纲重要角色。名作改编+强大阵容,难怪本片会被视为本年度最受期待的电影之一。  关于小说  《安德
Take it by your silence  I’m free to walk out the door  By the look in your eyes I can tell  You don’t think I’ll be back for more  Try to think of a world  Where you could stay and these safe hands c
2月12日是英国生物学家、进化论奠基人达尔文的诞辰纪念日,这一天也被定为“达尔文日”。很多地方会在每年的这一天庆祝这个日子,向这位伟大人物致敬,并借此机会让大众更加了解进化论、以及演化研究在人类知识上的应用。如果你不想在这天和别人聊起这位著名的生物学家时答不上话,就快来看看以下十件关于达尔文的事情吧。  1  Darwin was born on the same day as Abraham L
一、引用谚语的技巧  1. 用as the saying goes来引出谚语,其意为“常言道”“正如有句谚语所说”;它可以放在句首,也可以放在句末,有时也可放在句子中间。如:  “More haste[急速], less speed,” as the saying goes.  常言道:“欲速则不达。”  “Accidents will happen,” as the saying goes.  
Why is nearsightedness[近视] so common in the modern world? In the early 1970s, 25% of Americans were nearsighted; three decades later, the rate had risen to 42%, and similar increases have occurred aro
Starting1)Afresh in Hong Kong  By Phyllis Wong    总幻想世界应该是这样的:无论你踏上哪片土地,你都能找到一种家的归属感;无论你遇上多陌生的人,都能在下一秒像亲人一样和他相处。人在本质上是平等的,不分性别、种族和国籍。  一个刚经历婚姻失败伤心欲绝的奥地利女人,不是在自己的故土,而是在异国异地——香港的赤柱找到了情感的归属。这种情感不是来自于男女之间
注:艾美奖共分为两大奖项,即美国艾美奖和国际艾美奖(国际艾美奖的参赛作品全部来自美国以外的国家)。美国艾美奖是美国电视界的最高奖项,艾美奖的地位如同奥斯卡奖于电影界和格莱美奖于音乐界一样重要。  Aliens are invading[侵略], humans are rounded up and heroes are on the run. Yet this end-of-the-world st