On Related Theories to Age Factor in SLA

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  Abstract:According to many studies,age is one of the most important apparent individual factors affecting foreign language learning.The author is to introduce two important theories which have great impact on age---CPH and SPH.
  Key words:SLA;age factor;CPH;SPH
  1.The Critical Period Hypothesis and the Related Studies
  The critical period hypothesis was first introduced by Penfield and Roberts(1959)who argued that language acquisition was most efficient before age nine,when “the human brain becomes stiff and rigid”,and it was later developed by Lenneberg(1967).He suggested that there was a period when language acquisition took place naturally and effortlessly.
  Lenneberg thought that language was the product of the brain.Before puberty,when both hemispheres of the brain participate in language learning,language can be acquired naturally and effortlessly because of the brain plasticity.After puberty,most people’s brain is lateralized and their neurological system loses such plasticity,which makes language acquisition harder and harder.A good example for this is the wolf child---a child who was raised up by the wolves.His expressive ability of language could not reach the level of children who had grown up in normal environment no matter what method adopted to teach him to learn a language.
  There are two versions of the CPH.The strong version is that if a language is not learned by puberty the biological endowment which permits successful language acquisition will not be available.Thus the learner will have to use general learning mechanisms which are not designed for language acquisition and thus not as successful.The weak version is that,even though the same learning mechanisms are involved,second language learning will be more difficult and incomplete after puberty because most learners have neither the time nor the motivation to reach the high level of mastery which a child reaches.[3]P19
  In general,these results indicate that adults on most tests are able to achieve criterion scores more rapidly than children at the early stages.
  2.The Sensitive Period Hypothesis
  Owing to the disagreement on the Critical Period Hypothesis,many scholars turned to more research for evidence.And a much more neutral hypothesis—the Sensitive Period Hypothesis(Oyama,1976)appeared.It was supported by M.Patkowski and F.Carroll with their investigations.This notion also derives from Lenneberg’s(1967)hypothesis concerning the existence of a critical period for the acquisition of the first language extending from about two years old to the close of puberty.   Lamendella introduces the term and it is now often interchangeably used with Critical Period [4] P155.The term Critical Period refers to the notion that the age limitation is absolute.In theory,first language acquisition is not possible past the critical point.The term Sensitive Period on the other hand,refers to the fact that the age limitation is not absolute.So,the distinction between the Critical Period Hypothesis and the Sensitive Period Hypothesis is whether acquisition is possible only within the definite span of age or easier within the period.
  F.Carroll provided neurological basis for the Sensitive Period Hypothesis.He carried out a test whose results implied that early exposure to SL,however little it was or even the second language was not used,was of great significance to successful achievement of second language acquisition.Early exposure can give rise to qualitatively different attainment of language acquisition even though the later language learning occurs in formal classroom environment.Carroll held the view that early exposure to second language appeared to stimulate the nerve system,thus,promoting later language acquisition.
  [1]Seliger,Herbert.Implications of a multiple critical periods hypothesis for second
  [2]language learning in Ritchie,1978.
  [3]顾伟勤.Input,Interaction and the Second Langue Learner.Shanghai:Shanghai foreign language education press,2008.
摘 要:幼儿实践教学是广泛而普遍的教学手段,是培养幼儿实践能力的重要环节,是成长的重要基础。实践教学的灵活性较高,幼儿教师要密切关注学生的实践行为,保证学生在教学中健康发展。然而当前的幼儿园在教学实践中存在许多问题,严重影响教学质量,制约幼儿的学习成长。因此本文将幼儿园实践教学中的问题进行罗列,尝试讨论有效的应对策略,以便能够对幼儿实践教育提供些许思路,提升实践教育的质量。  关键词:幼儿园;实践
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摘 要:建立良好的师幼关系,是幼儿园日常教育教学工作和谐发展的需要,是新课改和师生教学相长的内在要求;我们必须积极协调好这种关系,为教学活动的顺利开展创造有利的条件,营造良好的氛围。  关键词:互动;调动;和谐;促进  在幼儿园日常教育教学活动中,教师和幼儿是一种平等的互动关系。牟映雪同志在《学前教育学》中明确指出:“师幼互动是贯穿于幼儿日常生活中的最核心的人际关系,它是幼儿园教育的重要组成部分;
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