Better to buy stocks than to buy the fund I personally think that buying stocks as buying funds. A non-financial professionals, no matter how hard, no less professional knowledge of fund companies, researchers, fund managers. Moreover, the investment-related information is too broad. From the perspective of the overall economy, industry analysis, individual company analysis and even the international political and economic situations, it is necessary to collect and analyze information through team division of labor rather than being able to do it independently. In addition, due to its large scale, being well-known by listed companies and OTC companies, the fund often has the opportunity to hold dialogues with important managers of the company. The understanding of the company will be deeper than that of ordinary investors. The most important point is that I am very busy working on my own, not having the time and energy to study the stock. So I chose a balanced fund, although the proceeds can not be compared with equity funds. But the risk is medium, I still can afford.