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2005年10月15-16日在北京国家图书馆善本特藏部召开了“中国和欧洲:印刷术和书籍史(八世纪/十五世纪-二十世纪)”国际研讨会。会议由法国远东学院、中国科学院、中国国家图书馆以及其他机构共同举办,旨在探讨印刷、书籍及阅读在中国和欧洲的历史发展。中法两国都有悠久的学术传统,在这些研究领域都取得了重要的成果。法国学者(特别是如马丁和费夫尔的名著《书籍的出现》,1958)在欧洲书籍史研究方面处于国际领先地位,他们注重从社会、文化和经济诸方面研究印刷和书籍的历史。会议分四个专题进行讨论。第一部分主题为东西方文化中书籍的涵义:中国国家图书馆李 From October 15 to October 16, 2005, China and Europe: An International Symposium on the History of Printing and Books (8th Century / 15th Century - 20th Century) was held at the Special Collections Department of the National Library of China in Beijing. The conference, co-organized by the Far Eastern Academy of France, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Library of China and others, aims to explore the historical development of printing, books and reading in China and Europe. China and France both have long academic traditions and have achieved important results in these fields. French scholars (especially the famous book “Emergence of Books”, such as Martin and Favre) (1958) are leading international studies of the history of books in Europe, focusing on the history of printing and books in social, cultural and economic fields. The meeting is divided into four topics for discussion. The first part of the theme for the Eastern and Western cultures in the meaning of books: China National Library Li
本土音乐是一个地区、民族根据自己的母语、民俗、民风所创作出的一种娱乐性音乐。它融合了该地区、该民族所特有的发展历程、思想表达等,是一个地区人民思想的表达,因此,若把本土音乐纳入音乐教育课程中,将大大提高音乐教育的有效性。  就目前来说,我国音乐教育主要还是针对中小学生。2001年,《全日制义务教育音乐课程(实验稿)》颁发,并对中小学音乐教育的内容、课程目标和基本理念作等做了新的阐述。新课程标准要求