Going to the Zoo

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  On Sunday morning, the sun is shining. My little brother goes to the zoo with my mother and me. We are very happy.
  In the zoo, my little brother is talking, laughing, eating and running. My mother and I are very busy. There are many animals in the zoo. The monkeys are lovely. The lions are fierce(凶猛的). The giraffes are eating leaves quietly(安静地). The elephants are playing with their trunks(象鼻).
  “Ah! There are five white cats!” My little brother says.
  “Where? Oh no! They are little tigers!” I say.
  “No! They are lovely cats!” My brother says.
  Oh! How can I explain(解释) to him? Lovely little tigers are still tigers!
阳春三月,春意萌动,种子萌生,小草萌芽,万物萌发,一年之计在于春,诗意之春,令人欣喜。吟春光,明媚多彩;赞春山,春山苍苍;颂春水,碧波荡漾;赋春风,和风惠畅。春风吹拂着红领巾,少先队员们在广场、在绿地、在车站、在休闲街,开展着一场场学雷锋的志愿者服务活动。这种常态化的学雷锋活动,会涌现出很多人见人爱的活雷锋。这种活动贴近生活,贴近社会,贴近人心,可亲可信。  “儿童放学归来早,忙趁春风放纸鸢”  
There is a cat in my family. Its name is Xiaobai.  Xiaobai is polite(礼貌的). When I go to school, it will say goodbye to me with “Meow, meow”. When I come back home from school, it will wag(摇动) its tail
中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,点燃了亿万华夏儿女心中的激情,凝聚起强大的正能量。  梦在前方,路在脚下,敢于有梦,勇于追梦,勤于圆梦的意志品质,造就千万个传奇,映射出广大青少年建设美丽中国的成长轨迹,凝聚着广大少先队工作者拓新路,开新局,创新貌的睿智才干。  又到人间四月天,气清景明,忆先人,敬先贤,祭先烈,演绎成感恩篇、寻根篇、励志篇三重奏。  “书是人类进步的阶梯。”国际读书日倡导天天都是读书日,