近代有一位被人们赞美为“多才多艺的微生物猎师和公共卫生巨人”——Karl Friedrich Neyer卡尔、弗雷德里奇、麦耶博士。由于他在科学道路上的奋进,在联合国世界卫生组织及美国科技界久负盛名。麦耶1884年5月19日降生于瑞士巴塞尔一个商人家。幼年时代一幅“黑死病”图画激起了他立志当一名兽医的决心。1902年在巴塞尔大学和苏黎世大学攻读生物,后转学兽医。1905年麦耶迁居慕尼黑,在凯特及莫里教授实验室工作。后来返回瑞士伯尔尼兽医学院出任校长。此时他发现梨浆虫病,兰舌头病的细菌感染并研制出抗传染性牛胸膜肺
In modern times there was a praised by people as “versatile microbial hunters and public health giants” - Karl Friedrich Neyer Carl, Frederic, Dr. Meyer. Because of his progress in science, he has enjoyed a good reputation in the United Nations World Health Organization and the U.S. science and technology community. Maye 1884 18 May 18 was born in Basel, Switzerland, a businessman’s home. A “Black Death” picture in his youth aroused his determination to be a veterinarian. After studying biology at Basel University and Zurich University in 1902, he transferred to a veterinarian. Meyer moved to Munich in 1905, working at a Kate and Morrie professor’s laboratory. Later returned to the Swiss Berne Veterinary College as principal. At this moment, he found the infection of the spongiform encephalitis, blue tongue disease and developed the anti-infectious bovine pleuropneumonia