A study on the exchange additivity of zinc in solid mixtures in seawater-Ⅲ. Stepwise isotherms of th

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoyuqingyuan
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Zinc exchange isotherms in mixtures of hydrous metal oxides and clay minerals have been reported. The relationship between the isotherms of the mixtures and the isotherms of their components is studied. The isotherms of the mixtures are stepwise. And the formation constants for the zinc exchange in the mixtures are calculated. The results show that the stepwise equilibrium formation constants and the saturation exchange capacities for the zinc exchange in kaolinite/ mon-tmorrillonite, amorphous iron oxide/montmorrillonite and γ-AlOOH/montmorrillonite mixtures are equal in weight to those of their components. The interactions between fresh iron oxyhydroxide and δ-MnOz reduce the metal binding sites of the mixtures, while the stepwise equilibrium constants are not affected by the interactions. The relationship between the isotherms of the mixtures and the isotherms of their components is studied. The isotherms of the mixtures are stepwise. And the formation constants for the zinc exchange in the results show that the stepwise equilibrium formation constants and the saturation exchange capacities for the zinc exchange in kaolinite / mon-tmorrillonite, amorphous iron oxide / montmorrillonite and γ-AlOOH / montmorrillonite mixtures are equal in weight to those of their components. The interactions between fresh iron oxyhydroxide and δ-MnOz reduce the metal binding sites of the mixtures, while the stepwise equilibrium constants are not affected by the interactions.
昒sually, the stepwise regression method is used to select the forecasting factors in the most forecasting problems and the double correlation coefficient is u
我国高压线路的全面建设不断推进,后期的运行维护以及带电作业成为重要的问题。和一般的线路维护相比,高压线路的维护有其自身的特点,为了更好的对我国的高压线路进行运行维护,保障高压线路运行的安全性和可靠性,本文在对高压线路运行维护措施以及带电作业的防护措施提出了一些建议,下面进行详细的分析。  相关人员应该提高对高压线路运行维护的重视程度,加强日常巡视。首先,相关从业人员一定要认识到对高压线路进行运行维
-An analysis of time and space truncation errors is made for the difference advection equation. It is pointed out that a reasonable difference equation can be