软骨发育不全是一种先天性对称性软骨发育障碍的疾病。其以四肢短粗 ,而躯干趋于正常为特点。近期我们遇见两例婴儿期的软骨发育不全 ,现结合文献做以下报道。例 1男 ,41天 ,因双手足指 (趾 )短粗 ,以及其母有软骨发育不全而来就诊。查体 :患者四肢短粗 ,双手指短粗并呈辐射状?
Achondroplasia is a congenital symmetry of cartilage disorders. It features short limbs, while the trunk tends to be normal. Recently we met two cases of infantile achondroplasia, are now combined with the literature to do the following report. Example 1 Male, 41 days, due to both hands and feet (toes) stubby, and their mother has achondroplasia came to see. Physical examination: patients with short limbs, fingers short and radiating?