目的 :探讨晚期鼻咽癌颅底骨质破坏的临床特点及 CT表现。方法 :对 5 0例经鼻咽活检病理证实与 CT扫描确诊颅底骨质破坏的晚期鼻咽癌病例进行分析。结果 :43例 (86 % )有头痛 ,30例(6 0 % )伴颅神经麻痹 ;CT扫描发现 2 7例颅神经麻痹与颅底骨破坏区位于同侧。结论 :鼻咽癌出现持续性头痛及颅神经麻痹症状应考虑颅底骨质破坏或颅内侵犯 ,CT扫描对鼻咽癌颅底骨质破坏的诊断有重要临床价值。
Objective: To investigate the clinical features and CT findings of skull base bone destruction in advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Methods: Fifty cases of advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma confirmed by pathology of nasopharyngeal biopsy and CT scan of skull base were analyzed. Results: There were headache in 43 cases (86%) and cranial nerve palsy in 30 cases (60%). On the CT scan, 27 cranial nerve palsy and skull base fracture area were located on the same side. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with persistent headache and cranial nerve palsy should consider the bone destruction or intracranial invasion of skull base. CT scan has important clinical value in the diagnosis of skull base bone destruction of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.