国际煤气联盟(International Gas Union,简称IGU)于2005年10月17日—10月20日在中国天津经济技术开发区(TEDA)召开了2005年的理事会议、协调委员会、执委会会议,会议历经4天,由国际煤气联盟主持,由东道国中国城市燃气学会主办,中国城市燃气协会协办该会议的全部会务工作,并得到
The International Gas Union (IGU) held its 2005 governing board, coordinating committee, executive board meeting and meeting in Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone (TEDA) from October 17 to October 20, 2005. After 4 days, hosted by the International Gas Coalition and sponsored by China City Gas Institute, the host city, China City Gas Association co-hosted the conference and received