2013年9月26日,国际空间法学会第22届曼弗雷德·拉克斯国际空间法模拟法庭竞赛在北京理工大学落下帷幕。本次总决赛在2013年度北美赛区冠军美国乔治敦大学代表队和欧洲赛区冠军荷兰莱顿大学代表队之间进行,由国际法院三名现任大法官Leonid Skotnikov、Julia Sebutind e和薛捍勤担任主审法官。来自亚太赛区、非洲赛区的两支区域冠
On September 26, 2013, the 22nd Manfred Lax International Space Law Moot Court Competition of the International Society of Space Law came to a close at Beijing Institute of Technology. The finals were conducted between the team of the United States Georgetown University and the European Division Champion Netherlands Leiden University in the 2013 North American Division Championship. Leonid Skotnikov, Julia Sebutind e and Xue Hanqin, the three incumbent judges of the International Court of Justice, served as presiding judge . From the Asia-Pacific Division, Africa Division two regional crown