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一、房地产,特殊的产品品牌论是在消费商品的领域被发展起来的,房地产却是相当特殊的消费产品,消费商品品牌的很多做法并不适合于它。房地产是深涉产品。在我国,无论城市还是农村,老百姓买房造屋都是穷其所有毕力而为,这决定了房地产的高关心度与参与度,一两个利益点根本不会让消费者掏钱包.所谓情感价值在实楼时起不了决定作用。要与消费者达成互动的沟通,就必须多一些实际的理性利益诉求.诸如区域、环境、价格等等实际受关注的信息点,让他们自己去做综合评估和购买决断。房地产是短线产品。一般来说,房地产项目的周期较短,销售时期短,少则一年两年,多则三五年,只有少数大型社区会有十年左右。房子卖完了也就结束了。这是和消费商品最大的不同点。消费品牌确实能够决定消费者的购买行为和忠诚度,70%左右的消费者一旦喜欢上一个品牌.就很难更改。消费者再次使用.反复不停地使用.使品牌经营赢得了高获利率。有 First, the real estate, special products Brand theory is developed in the field of consumer goods, real estate is a very special consumer products, many of the consumer goods brand is not suitable for it. Real estate is deep product. In our country, no matter the city or the countryside, ordinary people buy their houses are poor all their efforts, which determines the high degree of real estate concern and participation, one or two points of interest will not allow consumers to pay the wallet. Emotional value in the real building can not play a decisive role. In order to reach an interactive communication with consumers, more actual rational interest demands must be made, such as information points of actual interest such as region, environment, price and so on, so that they can conduct comprehensive assessment and purchase decision themselves. Real estate is short-term products. In general, real estate projects have short cycle times, short sales periods, ranging from one year to two years and up to three to five years. Only a few large communities will have about 10 years of experience. The house is sold out is over. This is the biggest difference between consumer goods. Consumer brands can really determine the behavior of consumers and loyalty, about 70% of consumers once loved a brand, it is difficult to change. Consumers use again and again repeatedly to keep using the brand management has won a high profitability. Have
“农民种地不交税,国家还要给优惠。”随着农村改革政策的不断深入,国家给农民的实惠也越来越多。诸如粮食补贴、良种补贴、农机补贴等,这几项加起来,亩均在30~50元(在 “Fa
新生儿黄疸是一个值得密切关注的问题,尤其是现在产妇分娩后住院的时间越来越短,所以,我们有必要对新生儿黄疸的有关知识作一个初步的了解。 Neonatal jaundice is a proble