变态反应性心肌炎国内仅见少数报道,我们遇到2例,报告如下。例1 男性,28岁。因患急性上呼吸道感染给予复方新诺明口服,服药2片后约2小时感全身皮肤搔痒、胸紧、心悸。体查:面色潮红,躯干及四肢可见风团样皮疹及抓痕,双肺呼吸音清晰,心率94次/分,律不齐,有频发早搏,每分钟10~15次。余均无异常。心电图示窦性心律、频发室性早搏,TⅡ、Ⅲ、aVF、V_6低平。立即给予异丙嗪25毫克肌注,地塞米松10毫克稀释后闭注。30分钟后,患者全身搔痒、胸紧、心悸等症缓解。2小时后描记心电图恢复为窦性
Allergic myocarditis only a handful of domestic reports, we encountered two cases, the report is as follows. Example 1 male, 28 years old. Patients suffering from acute upper respiratory tract infection received oral cotrimoxazole, taking about 2 hours after taking 2 tablets of systemic skin itching, chest tightness, palpitations. Physical examination: flushed, torso and limbs can be seen wind-like rash and scratches, lungs breath sounds clear, heart rate 94 beats / min, irregular laws, frequent premature beats, 10 to 15 times per minute. I have no exceptions. ECG showed sinus rhythm, frequent ventricular premature beats, T Ⅱ, Ⅲ, aVF, V_6 low level. Immediate promethazine 25 mg intramuscularly, dexamethasone 10 mg diluted closed Note. After 30 minutes, patients with systemic itching, chest tightness, palpitations embolism ease. Electrocardiogram recovery was sinus after 2 hours