雌性系黄瓜结果多而集中,有利于早熟增产。但是,单株自交率不高,影响自交果的留种。为了解决这个问题,中国农科院蔬菜所使用硝酸银(Ag-ND_3)作诱雄剂,以920为对照,进行了研究。供试材料是纯合的雌性系7925G 和7907G,硝酸银浓度为100、200、300、500、700ppm,喷药分1次和2次;
Female cucumbers and more concentrated results, is conducive to early maturity. However, the rate of self-fertility is not high, affecting the self-breeding fruit. In order to solve this problem, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences used silver nitrate (Ag-ND_3) as the lure and the 920 as a control. The tested materials were homozygous female lines 7925G and 7907G, the silver nitrate concentration was 100, 200, 300, 500 and 700ppm, spraying once and twice.