两则信息 信息之一: 中国第一大报《人民日报》2004年8月21日郑重公布的第六届全国“人民满意的公务员”候选对象名单(共49人)中,省水利厅水资源与科技处处长黄兴国光荣上榜。黄兴国的照片和事迹见诸报端后,水资源与科技处的同志都很高兴,感到十分荣耀。究其原因,不单是全国水利系统获此殊荣的仅此一人,也不只因为黄兴国是全国省级政府部门两个上红榜者之一,而是水资源与科技处的同志进一步意识到党和国家对水资源管理是何等重视,人民对默默无闻、常年献身水资源管理事业的人是何等器重!
Two of the information: China’s largest newspaper “People’s Daily” August 21, 2004 solemnly announced the Sixth National “people satisfied with the list of civil servants,” a total of 49 candidates, the Department of Water Resources Water Resources Director of Science and Technology Huang Xingguo glorious list. After Huang Xingguo’s photos and stories have been reported, the comrades of the Water Resources and Technology Branch are very happy and very glorious. The reason for this is not only the one who won the honor of the national water conservancy system, but also because not only is Huang Xingguo one of the two top red listrs of the provincial government departments in China, but also the comrades of the Water Resources and Technology Department are further aware that the party and the How much attention the country attaches to water resources management and how important the people are to those who are unknown to the public all year long and dedicated themselves to the cause of water resources management!