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语文谭堂教学改革的关键是变“以老师为主”为“以学生为主”。本学期,我在初二年级语文课堂教学中进行了一些尝试性改革,取得了一定效果.其具体改革尝试是:采用了“读—议—练”的语文课堂教学八步法.一、学生默读课文,划出生字,难词.这是培养学生独立阅读的能力和预习的习惯.让学生结合课文注释,集中精力默读课文,初步了解课文内容,大致掌握文章的结构轮廓,并划出难点,温故探新。二、学生自己查字典、词典,注音释义.这是培养学生的自学能力,让学生独立翻检工具书,排除文字障碍,从而使学生学会正确使用一般工具书,逐渐具备独立阅读、独立排忧解难的能力.三、朗读课文.这是培养学生的朗读能力.让学生在初步了解课文内容、排除字词障碍的基础上,通过朗读,进一步熟悉课文,并逐渐加深对课文内容的理解.当 The key to the reform of Chinese language teaching is to change “teacher-oriented” to “student-oriented”. This semester, I conducted a number of tentative reforms in the second grade Chinese class teaching, and achieved some results.Its specific attempt to reform is: Adopted the “reading - discussion - practice” eight-step method of language classroom teaching. Reading the text silently, draw words, difficult words.This is to cultivate the ability of students to read independently and preview habit.Consist the text notes, concentrate on reading the text, preliminary understanding of the text content, general outline of the structure of the article, and draw the difficulty , Wen old exploration. Second, the students check their own dictionary, dictionary, phonetic Interpretation.This is to develop students’ self-learning ability, so that students turn their books independently, remove the text barriers, so that students learn to use the normal tool, and gradually have the ability to read independently, solve problems independently Third, read the text, which is to develop students’ reading ability, so that students can understand the text by reading aloud, based on the preliminary understanding of the text content, eliminate the word barrier, and gradually deepen the understanding of the text.
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