1938年秋,日军从广东大鹏湾登陆,广州告急,日军宣布华南战争开始。在重庆上清寺的汪公馆中,汪精卫听到消息,吓得瘫倒座下,似乎看到了“世界末日”已经临头,于是举笔哀呜,“放”出了“和平论”的滥调: “战的时候,和的一字,是一般人所不愿听的。因为讲和的结果,自然没有征服的结果来得畅快。如今一般人因为恨日本的侵略,恨不得将日本整个灭亡,然后痛快。听见讲
In the autumn of 1938, the Japanese army landed from Dapeng Bay in Guangdong Province and Guangzhou was in an emergency. The Japanese army announced the start of the war in South China. Wang Ching-wei, who heard the news in the Wang mansion in Chongqing’s Shangqin Temple, scared herself in a paralysis. It seems that he saw that “the end of the world” has come to an end. So he gave a mournful speech and “put” out of the flamboyance of “peace theory”: “ When the war was over, the word ”peace" was what ordinary people would not want to hear because the outcome of peace talks naturally leads to no conquering. Nowadays most people hate Japan for its entire demise and then enjoy it.