从 1 92 0年第一家定时播出节目的广播电台KDKA的成功亮相到 2 0世纪 40年代末 ,广播的发展势不可挡。在报纸与广播之间的大战中 ,借助“一战”中受众对快捷信息的迫切需求 ,广播全面胜出。“二战”后 ,电视的崛起宣告了广播的黄金时代告一段落。在激烈的竞争中 ,大批广播电台倒闭 ,幸存下来的不得不通过专业化、细分化的改革在夹缝中求生存求发展。 2 0世纪七、八十年代以来 ,电视又遇到前所未有的激烈竞争的挑战。
From the successful debut of KDKA, the first scheduled radio station in 1920 to the late 1940s, the development of radio was overwhelming. In the war between newspapers and radio, with the urgent needs of the audience in “World War I”, the broadcast won in an all-round way. After World War II, the rise of television proclaimed the golden age of broadcasting to come to an end. In the fierce competition, a large number of radio stations went bankrupt, and survived had to survive and develop through the cracks through specialized and subdivision reforms. Since the 1970s and 1980s, television has encountered unprecedented challenges of fierce competition.