引 言美国研究国际投资法的著名学者范德菲尔德认为 ,目前是自 2 0世纪 70年代讨论国际经济新秩序以来 ,国际投资法的黄金发展时间。其观点基于以下三个事实 :目前已有 1 0 0 0多个双边投资条约 ,大部分是在过去几年的时间内缔结的 ,这些双边投资条约涵盖了全球所有地区的 1 6
Introduction The famous scholar in the study of international investment law in the United States, Vanderfeld believes that it is the golden time for the development of international investment law since the discussion of the new international economic order in the 1970s. Its view is based on the fact that there are currently over 100,000 BITs, most of which were concluded in the past few years, covering 16 in all regions of the world