我厂是精密仪表机床的专业生产厂,也是四川省最早进行企业扩权试点的单位之一.近几年来,我们进一步加强了企业内部财务计划管理工作,挖掘了内部潜力,经济效益稳定上升,利税总额由1978年的513万元上升到1985年的1,062万元.我厂加强财务计划管理主要有以下几个方面: 一、流动资金计划管理流动资金的管理采用集中统一领导与分级归口管理相结合的分工负责制.财会科负责全厂流动资金的统一计划、综合平衡、分配调度和归口管理非定额流动资金、待摊费用,并对上级下达的资金指标负全
I plant is a professional manufacturer of precision instrumentation machine tools, but also the earliest enterprises in Sichuan Province to expand the pilot unit of one of the units in recent years, we further strengthen the management of internal financial plans, tap the potential of the internal and economic stability has risen, The total profits and taxes increased from 5,300,000 yuan in 1978 to 10,620,000 yuan in 1985. The management of financial planning in our factory mainly includes the following aspects: I. Management of working capital plan The management of working capital adopts centralized and unified leadership and centralized management Combined with division of labor responsibility system.County Branch is responsible for the unified plan of the entire plant liquidity, comprehensive balance, distribution and scheduling and centralized management of non-fixed-capital liquidity, prepaid expenses, and the higher negative financial indicators issued by the negative