近些年有机会多次到广东来看粤剧,她的“热情如火,缠绵悱恻”(田汉语),常常使我陶醉,因而在研究京剧史的过程中也留心粤剧史。今天想利用这个与同行们难得相聚的机会,谈谈我在粤剧舞台美术史料上的点滴收获。然后再同大家一起研讨梁三根舞台美术创作。 粤剧是由广州本地班(后来又称广府班)孕育出来的一个特色鲜明、形态活泼、至今仍然有着旺盛
In recent years, she has had the opportunity to visit Cantonese opera many times in Guangdong. Her “passionate, lingering” (Tian Chinese) often makes me intoxicated. Therefore, I also pay attention to the history of Cantonese opera in the study of the history of Beijing Opera. Today I’d like to take advantage of this rare opportunity to meet with my colleagues and talk about my achievements in the art stage of the Cantonese opera stage. Then together with everyone to discuss Liang three stage art creation. Cantonese opera is a vivid and vivid form bred by the local class in Guangzhou (later also known as the Guangfu class)