小儿正处在生长发育时期,充足安静的睡眠是必要的。如果小孩经常夜间哭闹,则对健康不利。所以应弄清小儿夜间哭闹的原因。一、由于疾病引起的: 1.蛲虫病。这是常见的肠道寄生虫病,蛲虫的成虫很小,外形犹如“线头”,常常在小儿的大便上爬动。它的成虫喜在夜晚从肠道爬到肛门周围活动,当雌蛲虫移行到肛门周围排卵时,可引起肛门周围及会阴部的搔痒,影响小儿睡眠并导致遗尿;或因搔痒局部皮肤被小儿抓破发炎,由于疼痛引起小儿的啼哭。
Children are in the period of growth and development, adequate and quiet sleep is necessary. If children often cry at night, it is not good for your health. Therefore, we should understand why children cry at night. First, due to the disease caused by: 1. Enterobiasis. This is a common intestinal parasitic disease, pinworm adult is very small, shaped like a “thread”, often in children’s stool climbing. Its adult hi like to crawl from the intestine to the anus around the night activity, when the female pinworm migrate to ovulation around the anus, it can cause itching around the anus and the perineum, affect children’s sleep and lead to enuresis; or because itchy local skin was pediatric Scratch broken inflammation, the pain caused by children crying.