朋友,当两年前还是拉着橡皮筋蹦蹦跳跳的你,拿着小弹弓四处奔跑大声嚷嚷的他,转眼内却悄悄告别了天真烂漫的儿童时代,不知不觉地迈进了青春期的门坎,你们多么象春意盎然的小树,充满了勃勃生机。这时你们可以自豪地说:生命的春天到来了! 由儿童向少年、青年过渡的阶段,医学上叫作青春期或青春发育期。一般指的是12~18岁这个年龄阶段,也就是指第二性征出现起到生殖器完全发育止。在这期间,最显著的变化是在生殖器官方面,女孩子的子宫、男孩子的睾丸迅速地发育,于是女孩子就有了月
Friend, when you were still bungee with rubber bands two years ago, he shouted with a little slingshot running around in an instant, but quietly bid farewell to the naive childhood, unknowingly stepped into the threshold of adolescence, How are you like spring trees, full of vitality. Now you are proud to say that the spring of life is coming. The transition from childhood to adolescence and youth is medically called adolescence or adolescence. Generally refers to the age of 12 to 18 years of age, which means that secondary sexual characteristics appeared until the genitals fully developed only. During this period, the most significant change is in the genital organs, the girl’s uterus, the rapid development of the boys testicles, so girls have a month