新生儿先天性唇裂、腭裂合并心、肺、多指(趾)及生殖器畸形是非常少见的。现将我院遇到的一例报告如下: 孙德明之子。其父母亲为姨表兄妹结婚,第一胎足月妊娠。1984年4月13日因先兆子痫入院,次日剖宫产取出胎儿。身长45厘米,营养好,发育畸形。前囱3×4.5厘米,后囱未闭合。巩膜无黄染,角膜混浊,瞳孔不清。有唇裂,腭裂。(见图一)。胸廓对称,腹部稍隆起,脐带长22厘米,阴茎长0.7厘米,无阴囊。右手8指,左手8指,
Neonatal congenital cleft lip, cleft palate with heart, lung, multi-finger (toe) and genital malformations are very rare. I now encounter a hospital report is as follows: Son of Sun Deming. His parents were aunt cousins married, full-term pregnancy first child. April 13, 1984 because of preeclampsia admission, cesarean section on the next day to remove the fetus. Length 45 cm, good nutrition, developmental deformity. Front chimney 3 × 4.5 cm, after the chimney is not closed. Sclera no yellow dye, corneal opacity, pupil unclear. Cleft lip, cleft palate. (See figure I). Symmetrical thorax, slightly elevated abdomen, umbilical cord length 22 cm, penis length 0.7 cm, no scrotum. 8 fingers on the right hand, 8 fingers on the left hand,