
来源 :流行歌曲(艺考) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:king_casper
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曾经是升学捷径的艺术考试,近年来演变成比高考竞争还要惨烈的独木桥。每到岁末年初,成千上万的考生徘徊在艺术招生院校门前,已经成为中国式艺考的标志性景观。然而,从刚刚落下帷幕的2008年艺考来看,部分高考大省考生报名人数比往年有所减少。对此,一些教育界人士认为,持续近十年的艺考热已经迎来拐点。对于艺考拐点论,也有一些教育专家表示还有待观察,毕竟有些省份的报名人数仍在持续增加。但是教育专家的共识是,不菲的物质精力投入、日趋激烈的入学竞争、被日渐稀释的艺术教育资源、难以预测的就业前景……艺术考试先前被赋予的上大学终南捷径的光环正日渐褪色,家长和考生应该认清现实,全民艺术梦已经到了梦醒时分。 The art exam, which was once a short-cut to study, has evolved into a unique wooden bridge that is even more fierce than the college entrance examination competition in recent years. At the end of the year, tens of thousands of candidates are in front of art admission colleges and have become landmarks in Chinese art examinations. However, judging from the 2008 arts examination that has just come to a close, the number of applicants for candidates for college entrance examinations has decreased compared with previous years. In this regard, some people in the education industry believe that the arts test that has lasted for nearly a decade has ushered in a turning point. There are also some education experts who have yet to observe the inflection point of the arts test. After all, the number of applicants in some provinces continues to increase. However, the consensus among education experts is that the aura of the university’s last-minute shortcut to the art exam is getting worse. The art examination has previously faded, as a result of high levels of material commitment, increasingly fierce competition for admission, increasingly diluted arts education resources, and unpredictable employment prospects. Parents and candidates should be aware of the reality, and the dream of awakening all people’s art has come.
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