【机 构】
Nanosecond single- and multiple-pulse laser damage studies on HfO2/SiO2 high-reflection (HR) coatings are performed at 532 nm. For single-pulse irradiation, the damage is attributed to the defects and the electric intensity distribution in the multilayer thin films. When the defect density in the irradiated area is high, delamination is observed. Other than the 1064 nm laser damage, the plasma scalding of the 532 nm laser damage is not pits-centered for normal incidence, and the size of the plasma scalding has no relation to the defect density and position, but increases with the laser fluence. For multiple-pulse irradiations, some damage sites show deeper precursors than those from the single-shot irradiation due to the accumulation effects. The cumulative laser-induced damages behave as pits without the presence of plasma scalding, which is unaffected by the laser fluence and shot numbers. The damage morphologies and depth information both confirm the fatigue effect of a HfO2/SiO2 HR coating under 532 nm laser irradiation.
为了对激光等离子体偏振状态进行诊断,研究了X射线偏振度的测量方案及推算方法,利用两台晶体谱仪分别在相互正交的两方向对等离子体辐射的X射线进行探测,以确定其偏振度。光谱仪采用PET晶体作为分光器件,成像板接收X射线光谱信号,其接收面积为15 mm×35 mm,在2×10 J激光装置上进行了偏振检测实验。实验结果表明在两方向同时得到Al的类He谱线及类Li伴线,依据类He共振线w及互组合线y两方向光谱相对强度计算出共振线偏振度数据,利用不同发次实验分析入射激光能量和X射线偏振度的关系,探索了X射线偏振度对激光
This paper proposes an impact localization system based on the fiber Bragg grating (FBG) array and minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamforming algorithm. The linear FBG array, which contains seven FBG sensors, is used for detecting impact
现有的结构光视觉测量系统中,相机和结构光投射器安装在玻璃管内部以实现全景测量,但玻璃管会导致光发生折射而带来畸变。针对上述畸变,分析了光线在两个圆柱形表面折射的过程,研究了两个异面的折射平面所带来的畸变,建立了一种全景结构光视觉测量通用畸变校正模型。采用全景结构光视觉测量系统对内径为288.50 mm的铝管进行测量,基于全景结构光视觉测量通用畸变校正模型计算铝管的内径。实验结果表明,系统的重复性精
In this Letter, we report, for the first time to our knowledge, on a continuous-wave, singly resonant optical parametric oscillator using an MgO: PPLN crystal pumped by an all-fiberized master-oscillator power amplifier structured amplified random fiber l
A number of zinc oxide (ZnO) films are deposited on silicon substrates using the magnetron sputtering method. After undergoing thermal treatment under different conditions, those films exhibit hexagonal wurtzite structures and different photoluminescent c