The Reform Movement of 1898 was a bourgeois reformist movement that came into being at an unprecedentedly serious crisis in the Chinese nation in the late nineteenth century. About sixty years before the Reform Movement of 1898, the capitalist British war on China launched the Opium War, forcing the Qing government to sign the first unequal treaty, the Nanjing Treaty. Since then, Western imperialists continued to use means such as war and fraud to extort a series of privileges from the Qing government and gradually turn China into a semi-colonial one. By the end of the nineteenth century, world capitalism had already entered the stage of imperialism and its invasion of China was even more intensified. From 1894 to 1895, with the support of the United States and British imperialism, the Japanese imperialists launched a new war of aggression and extorted more power and land from China. Since then, various imperialists have started a new aggressive competition in China for colonies, and China has suffered from serious ethnic crises momentarily divided up. The vast number of Chinese people fought this unprecedented wave of aggression against foreign imperialism and launched a broad-scale resistance struggle.