早酥梨70年代引入我县,经试栽生长良好,一般5年挂果,6至7年进入丰产期,本地区9月初成熟,果实中大,果面黄绿色,成熟后黄色,质细汁多,果心小,口感好,品质上等,土窑洞可贮藏到翌年3月份。果品市场容量大,树体抗逆性强,易管理,在我县川暖地区很有发展前途。1 栽植要点11 地点选择
The early morning pear introduced into the county in the 1970s, the test planted good growth, generally 5 years fruiting, 6 to 7 years into the high yield, mature in early September this region, the fruit medium large, yellow-green fruit surface, mature yellow, fine juice Multi, small fruit, good taste, good quality, soil cave can be stored until March the following year. Fruit market capacity, tree resistance strong, easy to manage, in my county Chuanwen area very promising. 1 planting points 11 locations to choose