自由贸易已经成为西方经济学界不可动摇的信条,甚至一些发展中国家的学者也相信,只有自由贸易才是发展经济的正确路径。我国已经加入WTO,有些学者用西方经济学的一般均衡理论“估算出了”中国如果接受一系列贸易自由化措施,将使今后十年的GDP每年提高1个百分点以上,但本刊学术顾问、国家统计局副局长邱晓华在最新一期的《中国国情国力》撰文却认为,中国目前还不能全盘实行贸易自由化。 几乎所有的经济大国都是借助工业化
Free trade has become the unshakable credo of western economics. Even some scholars from developing countries also believe that only free trade is the correct path for economic development. China has acceded to the WTO and some scholars have used the general equilibrium theory of Western economics to estimate that “if China accepts a series of measures to liberalize its trade, it will increase the GDP of the next 10 years by more than 1 percentage point each year. However, our academic advisor, Qiu Xiaohua, deputy director of the National Bureau of Statistics of the People’s Republic of China, in his latest issue of ”China’s national conditions and national strength," believes that China can not yet fully implement trade liberalization. Almost all major economies use industrialization