Effect of restraint stress on depression-like behaviors in rats after transient focal cerebral ische

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nlqysb
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BACKGROUND: Restraint stress is a typical psychophysiological stressor. Simulating the early passion and difficulty in walking of patients after attack of stroke meets onset features. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of restraint stress on depression-like behaviors in rats after transient focal cerebral ischemic injury, and to investigate the feasibility for its being as modeling method of depression model after stroke. DESIGN: A randomized controlled animal experiment. SETTING: Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Aerospace Medicine of the Fourth Military Medical University of Chinese PLA. MATERIALS: Forty-eight male Sprague-Dawley rats, weighing 240–270 g, provided by the Experimental Animal Center of the Fourth Military Medical University of Chinese PLA were used in the current study. METHODS: The experiments were carried out in the Faculty of Aerospace Medicine of the Fourth Military Medical University of Chinese PLA between August 2005 and August 2006. ①Experiment intervention: The rats were randomized into middle cerebral artery occlusion-reperfusion (MCAO) +stress group, simple MCAO group, sham-operation + stress group and simple sham-operation group, with 12 rats in each group. Rats in the first two groups were developed into cerebral ischemia/reperfusion models by suture-occluded method. Rats in the MCAO+stress group were modeled and restraint stress scheme was performed. At week 5 after modeling, the rats were placed in self-made restraining tubes, 2 hours/time, once a day, for 2 successive weeks. The common carotid artery, external and internal carotid arteries of rats in the latter two groups were exposed. The stress way of sham-operation+ stress group was the same as that of MCAO+ stress group. ②The neurological status grading and motor performance evaluation (screen test, rota-rod test and balance beam test) were conducted in rats with simple sham-operation group and MCAO group before, 1st and 28th days after modeling. Depression-like behavior test was performed in the rats of each group by sucrose preference test and open field test at the end of the experiment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Changes of depression-like behaviors of rats in each group. RESULTS: Forty-eight rats were involved in the experiment. Two rats with meningeal irritation sign were excluded from simple MCAO group, and one rat in the MCAO+stress group died of some unclear causes during the experiments. The other 45 rats entered the stage of finial analysis. ① Depression-like behavior assessment results: The rats in the MCAO+ stress group had a significantly decreased preference for sucrose solution, crossing and rearing scores, and increased immobility duration after the 14-day restraint stress, compared with those in other three groups (all P < 0.05). ②The neurological status grading and motor performance evaluation: There were significant differences in the two indexes of rats in the simple MCAO group before, 1st and 28th days after modeling (P < 0.01), while there was no significant difference before and 28th days after modeling (P > 0.05). There were no significant changes in sham-operation group at each time point (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: After being exerted restraint stress, the rats with transient focal ischemic injury may show obvious depression-like behaviors. Therefore, restraint stress can be used as a novel animal modeling method for further studying biological mechanism in central nervous system of post-stroke depression animals. BACKGROUND: Resting in early depression and difficulty in walking of patients after attack of stroke meets onset features. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of restraint stress on depression-like behaviors in rats after transient focal cerebral ischemic injury , and to investigate the feasibility for its being as modeling method of depression model after stroke. DESIGN: A randomized controlled animal experiment. SETTING: Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Aerospace Medicine of the Fourth Military Medical University of Chinese PLA. MATERIALS: Forty -eight male Sprague-Dawley rats, weighing 240-270 g, provided by the Experimental Animal Center of the Fourth Military Medical University of Chinese PLA were used in the current study. METHODS: The experiments were carried out in the Faculty of Aerospace Medicine of the Fourth Military Medical University of Chinese PLA between August 2005 and August 2006. ①Experiment inte rvention: The rats were randomized into middle cerebral artery occlusion-reperfusion (MCAO) + stress group, simple MCAO group, sham-operation + stress group and simple sham-operation group, with 12 rats in each group. Rats in the first two groups were developed into cerebral ischemia / reperfusion models by suture-occluded method. Rats in the MCAO + stress group were modeled and restraint stress scheme was performed. At week 5 after modeling, the rats were placed in self-made restraining tubes, 2 hours / The common carotid artery, external and internal carotid arteries of rats in the latter two groups were exposed. The stress way of sham-operation + stress group was the same as that of MCAO + stress group. ② The neurological status grading and motor performance evaluation (screen test, rota-rod test and balance beam test) were conducted in rats with simple sham-operation group and MCAO group before, 1st and 28th days after modeling. Depression-like beh aviortest was performed in the rats of each group by sucrose preference test and open field test at the end of the experiment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Changes of depression-like behaviors of rats in each group. RESULTS: Forty-eight rats were involved in the experiment. Two rats with meningeal irritation sign were excluded from simple MCAO group, and one rat in the MCAO + stress group died of some unclear causes during the experiments. The other 45 rats entered the stage of finial analysis. ① Depression-like behavior assessment results: The rats in the MCAO + stress group had a significantly decreased preference for sucrose solution, crossing and rearing scores, and increased immobility duration after the 14-day restraint stress, compared with those in the other three groups (all P <0.05). ②The neurological status grading and motor performance evaluation: There were significant differences in the two indexes of rats in the simple MCAO group before, 1st and 28th days after modeling (P <0.01), w There were no significant changes in sham-operation group at each time point (P> 0.05). CONCLUSION: After being exerted restraint stress, the rats with transient focal, ischemic injury may show obvious depression-like behaviors. Therefore, restraint stress can be used as a novel animal modeling method for further studying biological mechanism in central nervous system of post-stroke depression animals.
1.祖国是一艘巨轮(栏目:视线)  祖国是一棵大树,我是树上一片绿叶。大树把根深深扎在泥土中,“八百里风暴吹不倒,九千个雷霆也难轰”;大树枝繁,叶茂,花好,果圆,巍然屹立在世界东方。金秋十月,一片片绿叶吮吸着祖国母亲的乳汁,沐浴着雨露阳光,快乐地摇曳,相互示意,沙沙作响,为祖国大树又增加一圈新的年轮而放声歌唱。  2.祖国啊,我亲爱的祖国(栏目:视线)  我是你河边上破旧的老水车/数百年来纺着疲惫
目的探讨拉米夫定对慢性乙型肝炎患者及慢性 HBs Ag携带者 (As C)的疗效和安全性。方法 2 2 8例患者分 3组 ,治疗一组 (As C患者 ) 5 2例和治疗二组 (慢性乙型肝炎患者 ) 89
记忆中,那是一棵遮天蔽日的花红树。花红树下有口老井,井壁四内爬满厚厚的青苔。这棵树和这口井都生在一个酒铺的院子里,酒铺的主人是个老头,约莫九十岁,用云南方言来说,我们得叫他老祖(曾祖辈)。  这是条老街,经常停水。只要一停水,老街的几十口人都会排队去这间酒铺打水。  有一次停水,我跟父亲挑着担子进了小院。一进小院,我就被那棵葳蕤的大树吸引住了。巨大的树荫像翅膀一样,把院子遮捂得严严实实。青石板上野
早就羡慕飞行员身上的那身行头了,穿上真是帅啊!一直没有机会试穿一下,真遗憾!来,口水擦一下,跟我来数数飞行员的全部家当,给你穿最帅的飞行服!  跟其他的部队不同,飞行员有他们自己的特殊装备,用来保障他们的飞行安全舒适。  我们通常看到飞行员穿的飞行服是连体的,像一个大袋子。穿的时候只要钻进去,拉链一拉就搞定了,很方便哦。接着穿上特殊的飞行靴。战斗机的飞行靴是轻型跳伞靴,不同于直升机飞行员穿的靴子。
那孩子,真脏。那个夏天,热得不可理喻,此城比撒哈拉沙漠更高温酷热,烈日当头,蝉都不鸣,梧桐在高温下叶落如雨,空气是凝固滚烫的砂。  这是百年来最热的日子。午后带小外甥女去上游泳课,把她往水里一丢,我直奔最近一家快餐店。推门进去,就看见一个脏小孩,穿一条看不出本色的短裤,瘦棱棱的背脊上全是洗不去的垢。我下意识绕开他一步。端了橙汁坐定,一抬头,脏小孩缩坐在角落里,专注地在玩一个快餐店玩具。细溜溜腿上没