一、深沪大盘与市场热点 虽然已经过两个多月的深幅调整,但本月深沪股市仍未有止跌迹象,多头试图在1800点一带构筑底部,以时间换取空间的企图也在“美国受袭”事件的影响下成为泡影,一轮新的跌势再次展开,深沪综合指数又创新低。本月上证综指最低达1750.76点,收报1764.87点,下跌69.27点,跌幅3.78%;深综指最低508.64点,收报512.97点,下跌35.66点,跌幅高达6.5%。下跌方式已一改下跌初期的急跌为缓慢阴跌,市场人气逐步涣散,短期内若无实质性的利好消息刺激,大盘弱势仍将持续下去。成交量方面,本月与上月基本持平,但出现了急跌放量,急涨和阴跌缩量的情况。尤其是在本月下旬绵绵
First, the Shenzhen and Shanghai markets and hot markets Although more than two months of deep adjustment, but this month, Shenzhen and Shanghai stock markets have yet to stop signs of long trying to build the bottom area 1800, the time in exchange for space is also the attempt Under the influence of the “U.S. attack,” a bubble plummeted. A new round of downturn started again, while the Shenzhen and Shanghai Composite Index reached new lows. This month the Shanghai Composite Index as low as 1750.76 points to close at 1764.87 points, down 69.27 points, down 3.78%; the lowest index of 508.64 points to close at 512.97 points, down 35.66 points, down 6.5%. The mode of decline has been changed. The plunge of the initial plunge was due to the slow Yindie slump and the gradual disintegration of the market sentiment. In the short term, if there is no substantial positive news, the weakness of the broader market will continue. Volume, the month and basically the same as last month, but there plummeting, soaring and yin-yang shrinkage situation. Especially in the late of this month