Most of the 100-year-old enterprises in Switzerland are family-owned and have a special way of inheritance by family business, which may give some inspiration to Chinese family-owned enterprises who have inherited the crucial period. Family business and non-family business are very different, according to the definition of the European Community, the establishment of the family members, the family accounted for more than 25% ownership of the enterprise, at least one family member involved in the management and operation of the business called family business. According to the definition, 88% of the 300,000 Swiss companies registered in 2011 are family-owned enterprises, with a total number of more than 275,000, providing a total of 2.6 million jobs and contributing over 60% of GDP to Switzerland. In a sense, private enterprises in China can in fact count as quasi-family-owned enterprises. Family businesses in Switzerland are more or less similar to those in China. Therefore, the Swiss family business innovation and heritage, or to private Chinese enterprises