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湖南省人民政府办公厅转发怀化行署《关于今年以来我区安全生产情况的报告》一九八三年十月五日湘政办发67号怀化地区今年以来的安全生产情况不好,尤其是七、八月份连续发生重大伤亡事故和特大火灾事故,给国家财产和人民生命造成很大损失。省人民政府认为,怀化发生重大事故的原因有一定的代表性,行署所采取的措施是可行的,现转发给你们参阅。我省今年一至七月份,工矿企业伤亡事故比去年同期下降了6.6%和17.3%,但八月份以来工伤死亡事故又急剧上升,据统计,八月份工矿企业死亡109人,比去年同期上升了118%,其中煤矿死亡83人,占全省工伤死亡总数的76%。这说明我们在安全工作上的综合管理、监督检查不力,有的地区和单位贯彻上级有关安全生产的指示很不认真,很不严肃。在机构改革中,有的地方和部门的安全监察机构和人员也受到削弱。对这种思想上麻痹、管理上松弛、组织上削弱的现象,希望各级政府和各单位领导引起高度重视,采取得力措施,迅速加以纠正。要认真贯彻国务院国发[83]85号文件和省人民政府湘政电[83]84号传真电报精神,参照怀化行署的报告,结合本地区、本单位的实际情况,认真检查整改,制订措施,加强矿山安全监察工作,切实抓好安全生产,把重大恶性事故和工矿伤亡事故大幅度降下来,创造安全生产的良好局面。 Hunan Provincial People’s Government forwarded the Huaihua Administrative Office on the situation of our region since this year’s work safety report "on October 5, 1983 Xiangzheng Ban No. 67 Huaihua area this year, the production situation is not good, especially seven In August, major casualties and major fire accidents occurred in a row, causing great losses to state property and people’s lives. Provincial People’s Government believes that there are some reasons for the occurrence of a major accident in Huaihua, the measures taken by the Administrative Department are feasible and are hereby forwarded to you for reference. In January-July this year, the death toll from industrial and mining enterprises dropped by 6.6% and 17.3% respectively as compared with the same period of last year. However, the number of industrial accidents fell sharply in August from a record of 109 in August, up 118 over the same period of last year %, Of which 83 were killed in coal mines, accounting for 76% of the total number of work-related injuries in the province. This shows that we have comprehensive management in safety work and weakened supervision and inspection. In some areas and units, it is very serious and not serious to carry out the instructions of the higher level on work safety. In the reform of the institutions, some local and departmental safety inspection agencies and personnel have also been weakened. We should paralyze this administration, loosen management and weakened organizations. We hope leaders of all levels of government and units will attach great importance to this and take effective measures to promptly correct them. It is necessary to conscientiously implement the State Council’s [85] No. 85 Document and the telegram and telegram No. 84 of the Hunan Provincial Government [53] of Xiangzheng County, referring to the report of the Huaihua Administrative Office and carefully examining the rectification and measures in light of the actual situation in the region and this unit , Strengthen mine safety supervision work, earnestly grasp safety production, greatly reduce major accidental accidents and industrial accidents, and create a sound situation of safety in production.
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