长治市于1984年在全区范围内,建立了三级妇幼保健网,并逐年充实、巩固、提高,充分发挥了三级保健网(居委、村),二级保健网(街道、乡)、一级保健网(区妇幼保健站)的作用.保健网的建立,促进了基层初级卫生保健的发展,并为进行母、子两个系统管理创造了条件.我们的具体做法是: 一、三级妇幼保健网的组建及管理根据城区妇幼保健专业人员少(区妇幼保健站仅有16名医务人员),战线长、任务大、居住分散的特点,采取“条抓、块管”办法,促使妇幼保健站实行划片分管,任务承包,责任到人,经常深入各街道、乡,进行保健工作和业务指导.在市区领导的重视与关怀下,各街道、
In 1984, Changzhi City established a three-level maternal and child health care network throughout the region and enriched, consolidated and improved year by year. It has given full play to the three-level health care network (neighborhood committees and villages), secondary health care networks (streets and townships) , Primary health care network (district maternal and child health care stations) .The establishment of health care network has promoted the development of grassroots primary health care, and created the conditions for the mother and child system management.Our practice is: First, The establishment and management of the three-level maternal and child health care network According to the characteristics of fewer maternal and child health professionals (only 16 medical staff in district maternal and child health care stations), long frontlines, large tasks and scattered living in urban areas, MCH stations should be dredged and assigned tasks and responsibilities to people, and the streets and townships should be deepened to carry out health care work and business guidance. With the attention and care of urban leaders, the streets,