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受新冠肺炎疫情的影响,线上学习成为热潮。为提高学生的参与度,一位教师通过嘻哈与他的学生进行了创造性的交流。As millions of educators navigate the new normal of virt
After 21 years of marriage,my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner.She said calmly,"I love you but I know this woman loves you too and would love
在玛丽到达庄园的第二天,从陌生的环境中醒来的她会遇到哪些人?又会发生什么事呢?Mary awoke the next morning to the sound of loud scraping.She sat up in her bed and l
当你感觉冷的时候,喝杯茶会温暖你;当你沮丧的时候,喝杯茶会鼓舞你;当你兴奋的时候,喝杯茶会让你平静下来……Last weekend I invited my Chinese student and her mom to th
In a classroom,there is constant interaction between teachers and students.Elements such as gestures,facial or corporal expressions that do not,as a rule,attrac
Walker参加了女童子军运动,在此期间,一次雷电击中了她和队友居住的帐篷外的一棵树,她差点丢掉性命,幸亏同伴及时救助,她才脱离险境。The benefits of the Girl Scout are we