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人文教育就是将人类优秀的文化传统,通过知识传递、环境熏陶,使之内化为人格、气质、修养,成为人相对稳定的内在品格。在人们物质生活条件不断提高的情况下,却呈现出人文教育在幼儿教育中缺失的现象,因此幼儿的人文教育凸显其意义和价值。应在幼儿互动、师幼互动、家长与孩子的共同活动中,在充满人文性的宽松环境里,更好的实施幼儿人文教育。 Humanistic education refers to the education of mankind’s outstanding cultural traditions through the transfer of knowledge and the environmetal environment so as to make them internalized as personalities, temperaments, and accomplishments, and become the inherent characteristics of people’s relative stability. Under the circumstance that people’s material living conditions are constantly improving, humanistic education is lacking in preschool education. Therefore, humanistic education for young children highlights its significance and value. Children’s humanities education should be better implemented in the interactive activities of young children, the interaction between teachers and children and the joint activities of parents and children in a liberal environment full of humanity.
森林里举办联欢会,小猴搭起了舞台。没有布景,怎么办?  大象站在后台,用长鼻子喷水。瞧,舞台上有了一个小瀑布。  长颈鹿脖子一伸,长出一棵大树;花孔雀展翅,开出一朵鲜花;大乌龟趴在台上,有了一座石头山。  演出开始了,欢迎大家来观看!
真奇怪,这里不是刚刚来过了?  我们一直在绕圈圈!  他说他比较熟悉这里,所以觉得自己有义务先把方向搞清楚。  是谁抢着要先爬到豚草还有野草莓树上的啊?  小鲁干吗爬到树上?  好,你最厉害,这样可以了吗?