
来源 :当代青年研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Mos_Lei
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八十年代初,在欧美各国的青年问题研究中,开始注意研究青年文化和青年亚文化群的问题,并把青年文化和青年亚文化群的研究应用到解决当前的青年问题和社会问题中去。在这基础上逐步产生了一门新兴的学科——青年文化和青年亚文化群社会学。英国的迈克·布雷克是青年文化和青年亚文化群社会学的首创者之一。他曾先后从事非技术与半技术性工作以及专业青年工作,从中调查和收集了大量资料。1980年布雷克博士根据多年的工作和研究,发表了在欧美很有影响的著作——《青年文化和青年亚文化群社会学》。 In the early 1980s, studies on youth issues in various countries in Europe and the United States began to pay attention to the study of youth culture and youth subcultures, and applied the research on youth culture and youth subcultures to solving current youth and social problems . On this basis, an emerging discipline has gradually emerged - the sociology of youth culture and youth subculture. Mike Blake in the United Kingdom is one of the pioneers of the sociology of youth culture and youth subculture. He has been engaged in non-technical and semi-technical work and professional youth work, from which to investigate and collect a large amount of information. In 1980, according to many years of work and research, Dr. Blake published a book influential in Europe and the United States - “Sociology of Youth Culture and Youth Subculture”.
以蒙古绵羊为试验动物,以乌梁素海高氟沉水水草龙须眼子菜(Potamogoton pectinatus)作为氟源,研究高氟水草对绵羊抗氧化系统及生产性能的影响。4组绵羊日粮水草氟水平分别为:0、
通过控制超干处理时间获得8.09%、4.12%、2.03%3种不同含水量的籽粒苋(Amaranthus hypo-chondriacus)种子,在50℃恒温箱内进行人工老化处理10 d,回水后测量种子发芽率等指标