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在井冈山斗争时期,王尔琢、林彪、伍中豪、张子清、黄公略,被称为毛泽东手下的“五虎将”。其中王尔琢、伍中豪、张子清、黄公略四人都在惨烈的革命战争中牺牲了,只有林彪从战火硝烟中走到了新中国成立的庄严时刻,并成了共和国的元帅。伍中豪从1926年在广州农民运动讲习所担任军事教官起,一直追随在毛泽东身边,参加了秋收起义、三湾改编以及各次反“围剿”斗争,深受毛泽东喜爱和器重,是早期红军部队最重要的将领之一。曾和伍中豪一起工作过的谭震林多次提到,如果伍中豪不牺牲,绝对是和林彪平起平坐的元帅。 In the battle of Jinggangshan, Wang Erzhuo, Lin Biao, Wu Zhonghao, Zhang Zicheng and Huang Gonglou were called the “Five Begins” under Mao Zedong’s hand. Among them, Wang Erzhuo, Wu Zhonghao, Zhang Zicheng and Huang Gonglou were sacrificed in the tragic revolutionary war. Only Lin Biao walked from the flames of war to the solemn moment when the founding of new China was founded and became the marshal of the republic. Wu Zhonghao served as a military instructor in the Guangzhou Peasant Movement Seminar in 1926 and has been following Mao Tse-tung for a long time. He participated in the struggles of the Autumn Harvest Uprising, the Sanwan Adaptation and various anti-encirclement and suppression campaigns. It was deeply loved and valued by Mao Zedong. One of the important generals. Tan Zhenlin who once worked with Wu Zhonghao said many times that if Wu Zhonghao does not sacrifice, it is definitely Marshal Lin Biao.
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