Thermal Characterization of 1.3 μm InAsP/InGaAsP Ridge Waveguide MQW Lasers Based on Spectroscopy

来源 :Semiconductor Photonics and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wslin001
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An experimental way to analyze the thermal characterization of semiconductor lasers based on spectroscopy method under pulse driving conditions has been developed. By using this way the thermal characteristics of strain compensated 1.3 μm InAsP/InGaAsP ridge waveguide MQW laser diodes have been investigated. Results show that by measuring and analyzing the lasing spectra under appropriate driving parameters and temperature ranges, the thermal resistance of the laser diodes could be deduced easily. A higher thermal resistance of 640 K/W has been measured on a narrow ridge laser chip without soldering. Other thermal and spectral properties of the lasers have also been measured and discussed. An experimental way to analyze the thermal characterization of semiconductor lasers based on spectroscopy method on semiconductor lasers based on spectroscopy method under pulse driving conditions has been developed. By using this way the thermal characteristics of strain compensated 1.3 μm InAsP / InGaAsP ridge waveguide MQW laser diodes have been investigated. by measuring and analyzing the lasing spectra under appropriate driving parameters and temperature ranges, the thermal resistance of the laser diodes could be deduced easily. A higher thermal resistance of 640 K / W has been measured on a narrow ridge laser chip without soldering. and spectral properties of the lasers have also been measured and discussed.
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