开展界别活动 密切联系群众

来源 :江苏政协 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dlcad
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政协由界别组成,界别是政协的基本功能单位。随着政协事业不断发展,界别正成为扩大社会各界有序政治参与的重要途径,成为委员发挥主体作用的重要平台,也是密切联系群众的重要渠道。长期以来,启东市政协认真按照政协《章程》要求,规范界别设置,健全界别组织,在推进“界别组织功能化、界别委员组织化、界别活动常态化”上做了一些探索,政协界别工作取得了党委、政府和社会各界满意的成效。 The CPPCC consists of members of the industry. The constituencies are the basic functional units of the CPPCC. With the continuous development of the CPPCC’s cause, the constituency is becoming an important way to expand the orderly political participation of all walks of life and become an important platform for members to play a leading role. It is also an important channel for close contacts with the masses. For a long time, CPPCC Qidong conscientiously in accordance with the “constitution” requirements of the CPPCC, standardize sector settings, improve the sector organizations, to promote “functional constituency sector, constituency constituency, constituency activities” did Some exploration and CPPCC sector work has yielded satisfactory results from the party committees, governments and all walks of life in the community.
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With the development of vehicle gearbox to high-power-density and high-speed, how to predict and optimize the dynamic characteristics of vehicle gearbox becomes
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