
来源 :中国水土保持科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangleisxh1234
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采用室内人工模拟降雨试验,设计降雨强度100 mm/h,坡度20°,在2个玉米秸秆缓冲带布设坡位(斜坡长4.5~5.5 m和6.5~7.5 m)与2个降雨历时(单次降雨30 min和2次连续降雨30 min+30 min)的试验处理组合,研究在黄土坡面不同坡位布设玉米缓冲带对防治细沟侵蚀的影响。结果表明:1)玉米秸秆缓冲带可减少坡面侵蚀量和细沟侵蚀量,其中,坡面侵蚀量减少7.3%~14.2%,细沟侵蚀量减少11.0%~30.6%,细沟侵蚀量对坡面侵蚀的贡献率减少3.4%~15.0%,径流含沙量降低5.5%~12.8%;2)单次降雨情况下在斜坡长4.5~5.5 m处布设玉米秸秆缓冲带防治侵蚀的效果最佳,坡面侵蚀量、细沟侵蚀量和径流含沙量分别减少14.2%、30.6%和11.6%,细沟平面密度和细沟平均深度分别减少12.9%和21.9%;3)2次连续降雨情况下在斜坡长6.5~7.5 m处布设玉米秸秆缓冲带防治侵蚀的效果较好,坡面侵蚀量、细沟侵蚀量和径流含沙量分别减少13.5%、25.0%和5.5%,细沟平面密度和细沟平均深度分别减少15.5%和16.3%。 Using artificial simulated indoor rainfall test, the rainfall intensity was designed to be 100 mm / h and the slope was 20 °. The slope positions of 4.5-5.5 m and 6.5-7.5 m were arranged in two corn stover buffer zones with two rainfall durations 30 min rainfall and 30 min 30 min + 30 min) were used to study the effects of the distribution of corn cushion on the control of rill erosion at different slopes of loess slope. The results showed that: 1) The corn stalk buffer zone can reduce the slope erosion and the rill erosion, in which the slope erosion decreased by 7.3% -14.2%, the erosion by the rill reduced by 11.0% -30.6%, the rill erosion The contribution rate of slope erosion is reduced by 3.4% ~ 15.0% and runoff sediment concentration is reduced by 5.5% ~ 12.8%. 2) The effect of corn straw buffer zone erosion control is the best when the rainfall is 4.5 ~ 5.5 m , Erosion on the slope, erosion on the rill and sediment on the runoff decreased by 14.2%, 30.6% and 11.6%, respectively, and the average density of the rill and the rill decreased by 12.9% and 21.9% respectively. 3) Under the slope of 6.5 ~ 7.5 m, it is better to dispose corn straw buffer zone to prevent and treat erosion. The slope erosion, rill erosion and runoff sediment concentration decrease by 13.5%, 25.0% and 5.5% respectively. And the average depth of thin grooves decreased by 15.5% and 16.3% respectively.
1 病例报告 患者男,24岁。10余天前开始元明显诱因自觉左前胸痛,同时伴有轻度胸闷,无呼吸困难,无咳嗽、咳痰。就诊于当地医院,胸部X线平片发现纵隔肿瘤。为进一步诊断于2006-01-05
【正】 左旋肉碱是一种氨基酸 20世纪初,科学家在肌肉提取物中发现了左旋肉碱,之后确认它是广泛存在于人体内的一种氨基酸,参与人体的许多代谢过程。左旋肉碱是人体特定条件
为了确定陕北黄土区阳坡水土保持林合理的结构配置模式,在吴起县吴仓堡镇黄土西坡设置6.25 hm^2大样地,实测山杏+小叶杨+刺槐阔叶混交林树木的胸径、树高等指标,分析林分空间分