周恩来在晚年,胸前一直佩戴着一枚“为人民服务”纪念章。1976年1月8日,周总理逝世后,这枚从敬爱的周总理生前所穿的灰色中山装制服上取下的纪念章,至今仍珍藏在中国革命博物馆内。 这枚纪念章为横长方形,大小仅有2.5×1.5厘米,右边浮雕毛主席侧面头像,左边镌刻毛主席手书题词“为人民服务”,红底镀金。周总理非常喜爱这枚寓意深远,构图美观的纪念章。据周总理身边的工作人员郑淑芸《革命就是为了人民》回忆录记载:“文革初期,有一天,总理办公室的门开着,我走过时见总理正在仔
In his later years, Zhou Enlai had always worn a medal “Serving the People” on his chest. On January 8, 1976, following the death of Premier Chou, the medal removed from the uniform of gray tunic worn by his beloved Premier Chou was still treasured in the Museum of Chinese Revolution. This medallion is horizontally oblong with a size of only 2.5 × 1.5 cm. The portrait of Chairman Mao on the right is embossed with the portrait of Chairman Mao on the left hand side and serves the people on the left. Premier Zhou very much like this piece of profound meaning, beautiful composition of the medal. According to the memoir of Zheng Shuyun, “the revolution is for the people,” the staff member surrounding Premier Chou said: "In the early days of the Cultural Revolution, the door of the Prime Minister’s office was open.