对于一个奋斗了整整五年才回到 ATP前100名的老家伙来说,想要依靠一两场酷战让别人记住他是不现实的,尤其是在美国这样巨星成灾的地方,但吉梅尔斯托布先生就有的是办法,除了到远东旅行(包括两次参加中网)、写博客,他还时不时能制造一些有趣的故事,让大家看着他的名字不至于太陌生。“女子网球总有办法让自己不像男子网球那般无趣,她们活在皮扎诺(美国20世纪80年代著名卡通人物)世界里,每一个年轻的选手都靠衬裙来出风头,不久 WTA的练习场和比赛场都会变得像排球一样,吊带和比基尼是合乎逻辑的下一步选择,我不是在抱怨,也不认为那是没有价值的
For an old guy who struggled for a full five years to return to the top 100 in the ATP, it would be unrealistic to rely on one or two cool battles to remember others, especially in such a disaster as the United States There is a solution for Mr. Gerellstob, besides traveling to the Far East (including participating in the network twice) and blogging. From time to time, he can create some interesting stories so that everyone can see his name is not too unfamiliar. ”There’s always a way for women’s tennis to keep themselves from being as uninteresting as men’s tennis. In the world of Pizzano (the famous American cartoon man of the 1980s), every young player is leaning on the pettiskirt and soon WTA The driving range and playing field will become the same as the volleyball, sling and bikini is the logical next choice, I’m not complaining, nor that it is worthless